We took our all-time favorite classic guitars and recorded them through the Clark product line to take the guesswork |
out of choosing the right amp. All samples were recorded with a Shure SM-57 with no sound-altering effects added. |
Additional video samples can be found at the Clark Amps YouTube Channel. Enjoy! |
Telecaster ® |
Stratocaster ® |
Les Paul ® |
Low Country TM |
Piedmont TM |
Tyger TM |
Penrose TM |
Beaufort TM |
Webster TM |
Lil' Bit TM |
Telecaster ® |
Stratocaster ® |
Les Paul ® |
Belmont Reverb TM |
Beaufort Reverb TM |
Kanee Reverb TM |
Telecaster ® |
Stratocaster ® |
Les Paul ® |
MTC-45 TM |